
Tuesday, May 1, 2007


09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0


Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Illinois Man Fined Thousands And Threatened With Felony Prosecution For Using Untaxed Biodiesel

Via Daily Kos Diary, "...David Wetzel, a 79 yr old retired chemist from Decatur IL had been using recycled vegetable oil in his 1985 Volkswagen Golf diesel car for 7 years. This January, " the State of Illinois Dept. of Revenue sent 2 "special agents," Gary May and John Egan to his house. The two agents threatened the couple with felony charges and asked them to post a $2,500 bond!" According to the Herald & Review, where the full story is explained, a Republican State Senator has introduced a State bill "...which would curtail government interference regarding alternative fuels, such as vegetable oil..."I would agree that the bond is not acceptable, $2,500 bond," Watson said, adding that David Wetzel should be commended for his innovative efforts." (His car) gets 46 miles per gallon running on vegetable oil. We all should be thinking about doing without gasoline if we're trying to end foreign dependency.""

The money quote from the first H&R article is this:- "David Wetzel wonders why hybrid cars, which rely on electricity and gasoline, are not taxed for the portion of travel when they are running on electrical power." In a follow up story, H&R reported that:- "Dave Wetzel, who drove to the state Capitol from his Decatur home in his fryer waste-propelled 1986 Volkswagen, won the hearts of lawmakers as he told of his struggle with the "revenuers." Epiphanies about energy security and fairness notwithstanding, this story certainly reinforces decades worth of conspiracy stories about oil companies quashing competition by lobbying for unfair regulations. For the future, however, and along the lines of Mr Wetzel's musing about hybrids and tax fairness, I wonder if the Illinois State Dept. of Revenue would also tax the "coal to liquids" plant diesel fuel product that is being actively supported by some US Senators, should a CTL plant be built and operated in Illinois at taxpayer expense? Wouldn't such taxation be double taxing?

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

MPAA says people who buy DVDs are Pirates

So you buy a DVD and take it home. You pop it in now you have to sit through the MPAA's obnoxious anti-piracy add that you can't skip past. Pirates get that patronizing crap cut out of their product, so the only people watching these are those who are actually paid for the product. Much like the RIAA, the MPAA loves removing value from the product they want you to pay for.

MPAA, you're on notice!

Monday, February 26, 2007

Weekend roundup

So we spent most of the weekend just hanging around the house and cleaning up. Zoe finally started walking pretty much full-time. Shame on those who thought she'd never walk :)

Had a huge Clix game on Sunday. Scenario vs. The Spectre. 3 players w/600 pt teams vs. Spirit of Vengence. After much deliberation i decided to run this team:
Replusor Shield
Auto Regen
Lazarus Pit

KC Flash
Replusor Shield (this ended being wasted seeing as how he has no DV powers)
Nanobots (this came in very handy)
Lazarus Pit
Life Model Decoy

My other two "teammates" had interesting teams. 1 wasn't really desgined well to fight against the Spectre. He had Brainiac which was fine, but no cards on him. Colonel Logan (?) and Man of Steel and a Hive Trooper to carry around. Needless to say his team was ass raped pretty quickly. My other teammate, who was the judge for the venue, ran an illegal team seeing as how he was using Dr. Doom w/mastermind. Of course no one at our table caught this until about halfway through when another Spectre player informed us that Spectre ignores mastermind. We all got a good laugh. Of course after that, he was done as well. So it was pretty much me against the Big Mean Green.

Even with all that, Nimrod had hit him w/ Pulse Wave twice before he was put into the Pit. He came back just as we got him on his Hal Jordan dial. I made my Lazarus role and immediately did a PW attack, ICWO up my damage to 5. Rolled a crit and hit him for 6. Flash was in the Pit, and he had surrounded me with angry spirits so i couldn't get away. I did happen to make 3 impervious rolls and used my Protected, but in the end i couldn't get Flash out of the Pit before he took out Nimrod. Overall though, i was very happy with my teams performance against The Spectre.

Friday, February 23, 2007

CompUSA to close 100 stores nationwide, Butler slits his wrists in a fit of depression

Not sure how official this is, but it appears that CompUSA will be closing 100 of it's retail stores over the course of 2007. For most major retailers that might not be big news except CompUSA only has 229 stores total. So if this bears out and they do indeed close nearly HALF of their retail outlets, it looks like CompUSA might be in serious trouble?

Of course if it happens here, i guess it's good for us the consumer. Can you say FIRE SALE???

Read More here...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Ted Haggard: Save vs. idiocracy, FAILED!!!

Richard Dawkins just owns Ted Haggard. How anyone could ever listen to this moron is beyond me?

Steve Jobs vs. Steve Jobs

When Fake Steve Jobs, the anonymous blogger who parodied the real man, was asked to cease and desist, he asked for a sugar daddy to keep the site going. After only a few weeks, Wired News emerged as the lucky sponsor. I wonder how much he sold his soul for -- fighting those lawyers can't be cheap. The real question is how long til Fake Steve Jobs is running all of Conde Nast, Wired's parent company? He may be fake, but even fake Boom carries awesome power. Conde Nast meets geek parody god? This could be a better crossover than Aliens vs. Predator. (By typing this comparison, I feel the force of 10,000 virtual wedgies flying through my cable modem.)

Who would win a stare down contest, Anna Wintour or FSJ? What would happen if FSJ became fashion editor at GQ?

It's a brilliant move by each party, but beware RSJ's spinning beach ball of death.